By Stu Pid
Education Reporter
HARLEM -- Two weeks after announcing that he had received commitments from five major snack-food manufacturers to stop selling junk food in the nation's school vending machines, former President Bill Clinton announced today that he was beginning a second phase of his initiative, which will involve the removal of all junk food currently in school vending machines.
"Phase I of my plan involved convincing snack manufacturers to stop selling high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar snack foods in public school vending machines across America. Two weeks ago Kraft Foods Inc., Mars Inc., Campbell Soup Co., Dannon and Pepsico Inc. agreed to do that," Clinton said.
"That means that there are now millions of tons of this so-called "junk food" left in our nation's school vending machines. That's where Phase II, my personal favorite phase, comes in. To ensure that no child is exposed to any of these dangerous products, all of these unhealthy snacks are being trucked to my Harlem office as we speak. As soon as they arrive, I'm gonna start eatin' 'em.
"Every Snicker's bar, barbecue potato chip, Moon Pie, powdered doughnut, Ho-Ho, Ding-Dong, and Goober, even those generic fruit pies no one ever buys . . . I'm gonna eat them all."
Asked whether he was setting a good example for the children, Clinton responded, "What, are you kidding? I'm Bill Clinton, remember?"